Welcome to Community Wellness Alliance
Community Wellness Alliance is a community-based organization that focuses in developing health and wellness programs in the Washington DC metropolitan area through partnerships and collaboration with organizations dedicated to improving the lives and well-being of individuals and families.

Our mission is to improve health and wellness outcomes of residents of the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia through education, outreach and advocacy utilizing partnerships and collaboration. We focus our efforts in six areas: Cardiovascular Disease; Cancer; Diabetes; HIV/AIDS; Mental Health; and Tobacco.  Our priority-specific focus communities include: Low-Income Populations; Ex-Offenders; People living with HIV/AIDS; and Residents of the District’s Wards 5, 6, 7 and 8.

CWA Programs & Services

Men’s Health & Wellness
Women’s Health & Wellness
Latino Health & Wellness
Internship Program
Capacity-Building Training
Policy Priorities: Take Action!home-slider-pic1
Learn about our public policy priorities to improve health outcomes for all residents of the District of the Columbia metro area, especially underserved and minority populations.

Get Involved with CWAhome-slider-pic1
Are you interested in volunteer opportunities? We have internships for college and graduate students, and individual and group volunteer opportunities for adults.


Contact Us

Community Wellness Alliance
1029 Park Road NW
Washington, DC 20010

email: info@cwadmv.org

Our Mission

To improve health and wellness outcomes of residents of the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia through education, outreach and advocacy utilizing partnerships and collaboration.

Our Focus Areas

Cardiovascular Disease
Mental Health

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